Emissions Trading 
We have the skills, experience and expertise to provide the support you need to respond to this complex policy challenge.
Our expertise in emissions trading is highly regarded and extensively used by both the private and public sectors.
Emissions trading is increasingly the preferred policy for addressing greenhouse gas emissions:
- The EU introduced Emissions Trading in 2005 (the EU ETS)
- New Zealand introduced its emissions trading scheme in 2008 (the NZ ETS).
- Other Asia Pacific regional economies are implementing emissions trading.
Our Expertise
Our expertise in emissions trading covers:
- in depth understanding of the NZ ETS
- international and domestic ETS design
- emissions trading design parameters and their business impacts
- point of obligation selection
- allowance allocation methodology
- competitiveness impacts
- assessing fiscal exposure and opportunity
- emission unit pricing assessments
- selling and buying routes for emission units
Contact us now to discuss your business needs.
Emissions Trading Clients
Our expertise on emissions trading
is being used by:
- individual business clients, big and small;
- business organisations;
- government; and
- financial and legal services sectors.
Learn More and Get Ready for Trading